The Warwick-Imperial Mathematics Conference (WIMP) took place a few weeks ago on Saturday 23rd, featuring a variety of talks from students from both Warwick and Imperial, and an opening talk by Professor Keith Ball. Thank you to all the attendees and presenters, it was lovely having you at the event.
Below are the talks and photos from the day.
Itinerary and Recordings
The available recordings of the talks can be accessed via the links below:
Opening talk
- Professor Keith Martin Ball - Why is Everything so Bell-Shaped?
MS01 Morning talks
- Aryam Rege and Gianmarco del Pino - Maximum a Posteriori for ODE Parameter Estimation
- Sihun Hwang - Conformal Field Theory in 2D, Möbius Geometry, and the Highest Weight Representation of Virasoro Algebra
MS02 Morning talks
- Cody Zhao - Integral Points Close to Smooth Plane Curves
- Hongxin Zhen - Image Denoising via Neural Network Techniques
MS01 Afternoon talks
- Elias Fink - Quiver Gauge Theories
- Sidharth Hariharan - Creating Mandala Artwork using Mathematics
MS02 Afternoon talks
- Matthew Masuege Fernando - The Analytic Continuation of the Riemann Zeta Function
- Andrew Liu - Construction of the p-adic Numbers and its Properties, with a focus on the Teichmüller Lift
- Jakub Tucker - An Upper Bound for the Dehn Function of Outer Automorphism Groups of Right-Angled Artin Groups